<Missions of our lab>

 Our mission is to generate new therapies and establish novel therapeutic concepts for cardiovascular diseases. For this aim, we focus on aging, and try to suppress or even reverse unfavorable aspects of this biological process (Nat Med 2009、J Clin Invest 2010、2014、Cell Metab 2012、2013、2014、J Mol Cell Cardiol 2015、2019、Cell Rep 2018、Sci Rep 2019、2021、2021、2022、Nature Aging 2021、2024、iScience 2021、2022、2022、EMBO Journal 2024). 

 We define “Senocules” in circulation as molecules that contribute for the acceleration of aging, and these include “Senometabolite” and “Senoprotein”. We are trying to establish the concept “Senocule-induced synchronized aging (sync-aging)”. Recently, we defined two new concepts for diseasesAging fibrotic diseases (A-FiD), and Senometabolite Related Disorders (SRDs). With global members, we are now trying to establish next generation therapies for these disorders.

Together with establishing the methods to suppress the progression of aging, we are also exploraing strategy to reverse aging. "Senolysis", is recently focused as an approach to reverse aging. We are trying to find new senolytics, senolysis pathways, and trying to establish the concept "Daily senolysis". If we can comit senolysis in our daily life, we believe this leads to the pre-emptive medicine, and contribute to promote healthy aging.


Keywords; Heart failure, Aging, A-FiD, SRDs, senolysis



















From Shimizu I. Circ J 2023. https://doi.org/10.1253/circj.CJ-23-0419

<International Collaborative projects>

Ongoing with following research institutes.

• University of Virginia (USA)

• MD Anderson Cancer Center (USA)

• National Institutes of Health (NIH) (USA)

• University of California San Diego (USA)

• University of Indonesia (Indonesia)

• Inje University (Korea)

• University of Birmingham (UK)

• University of Amsterdam (Netherland)

• Copenhagen University (Denmark)

Our recently published paper: 2024. August

Hsiao YT, Yoshida Y, Okuda S, Abe M, Mizuno S, Takahashi S, Nakagami H, Morishita R, Kamimura K, Terai S, Aung TM, Li J, Furihata T, Tang JY, Walsh K, Ishigami A, Minamino T, Shimizu I. PCPE-1, a brown adipose tissue-derived cytokine, promotes obesity-induced liver fibrosis. EMBO Journal. 2024 Aug 19. doi: 10.1038/s44318-024-00196-0.
